Replying to a message from: Kolosov Sergey


I have installed Xeams (v4.3.567b1) on my NAS (Qnap TVS871t) from AppCenter (OS - QTS4.2.2). Xeams worked properly after installation.

But when i tried to update it automatically/manually - i have done it several times, after update process had finished and server restarted - Xeams didn't started any more.

I have checked log files.

Xeam's log file after update the program.There is the line:

"2016-09-27 16:32:15,759 INFO  xeams.ServerStarter - Received message to terminate Rules Engine from unknown"

"starterOul.log". There are two lines with errors:
"ERROR: ERROR: Please edit the example config file /etc/config/clamd.conf"
"ERROR: ERROR: Can't open/parse the config file /etc/config/clamd.conf"

I am looking for support to resolve this problem.

Thank you in advance.