Replying to a message from: Synametrics Support

Hi Chuck, 

You can try resetting your admin password. 

Please follow the steps to reset your admin password: 

1. Locate the installation folder of Xeams on your machine. Default installation directory is as below:

Windows - C:\Xeams
Linux - /opt/Xeams
QNAP - /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/Xeams or /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Xeams

Note: The number in the directory may vary

2. Locate config/sm.dat file and rename it to something else or move it to a different folder

3. Restart Xeams (use the service manager to restart it if you are using Xeams in Windows)

4. Try logging in again using admin for user and letmein for password

5. Change the admin password on the following screen to something else