Replying to a message from: Tommy

Hi. When users use mailing-list on my downstream-server, I recieve ob-forgery alerts for each address on the list. I did read the article about this, but I need advice. (

I cannot get my IP added in the SPF record of the sender. The sender can be anyone in the list with any domain. I have users that need this function so i cannot ask them not to use mailinglists. I can make the distributionlist/mailing-list in xeams, but address (i use DRV) needs to exist in my downstream server. This seems to work. However, when using subscribe or unsubscribe, DRV takes over and claims the address doesn't exist. Well, thats actually right, but isn't this supposed to be catched by xeams to handle the list before DRV asks server if address subscribe/unsubscribe-address@xx.yy exists? To make subscribe/unsubscribe work, I have to add them as valid addresses in my downstream server. This takes 2 extra license counts. Or, i can make a local account with associations, but suddenly there is lots of this and thats to make this work...

Is there any better solution? Or any way to make downstream work fine?