Replying to a message from: George

Can sombody Help me please. Just installed Xeam on my Qnap Nas Device .

Configuration :
1. I have a domain hosted externally where my MX records are kept 
2. Setup Xeam with Pop3 fetcher to collect that Mail 
3. Still use the External hosting server as the SMTP server ( as i do not have a fixed IP to host the domain )
4. Local PC Outlook 2016- Setup with Imap pointed at the Local Xeam Server and SMPT to the external Hosting Server

Problems :
1. Xeam collect my mail via Xeam Pop3 fetcher from the Hosting server .
2.It Shows in the Xeam activity log that the mail has been collected and i can see the mail in the store 
3. On Outlook on the local PC it downloads the mail but i get multiple copies of the same mail (36 copies )
4. In the Xeam control panel on that user it shows only 1 Copy of that mail in the mail Box 

Not sure if anyone can help me with this 

