Document information

Document ID: 4683
Subject: How to increase size of the log files in Xeams
Creation date: 12/14/15 4:35 PM
Last modified on: 12/14/15 4:35 PM

Increasing the size of log files

Xeams contains an elaborate logging mechanism that is very helpful in troubleshooting problems. By default, every log file can grow up to 5 MB. Once a file size reaches 5MB, the file gets renamed to fileName.log.1 and a new file is created with the original name. This way you can have up to 10MB of logs.

Usually, 10MB of data is more than enough in many cases. However, use the following instructions to increase this default value.

  • Locate file in $INSTALL_DIR\config folder. If the file is missing, create a new text file with this name.

  • Copy the following text in a line by itself:


  • The above statement will modify the size of one file to be 25MB, which means you will have up to 50 MB of every log.

  • Save the file

  • Restart Xeams

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