Document information

Document ID: 4605
Subject: What is a distribution list
Creation date: 12/14/15 4:35 PM
Last modified on: 8/15/18 2:26 PM

What is a distribution list?

A distribution list (formerly called Aliases) allow you to receive emails to one address, which are then distributed among multiple recipients . For example,, and are all examples of a distribution list since emails received to these addresses are typically forwarded to multiple individuals in a company.

How to create a distribution list?

Follow the steps below to create a distribution list.

  • Log in to Admin Console as administrator
  • Select Manage Distribution List under Server Configuration
  • Type for New List Name
  • Type,, for the Forward To Addresses field. Notice that multiple addresses are separated by a comma.
  • Click the Save button
Now you should see your newly created list below.

Modifying Existing Distribution List

Let's assume that you want to add and remove from the list you created earlier. Following steps demonstrate how to accomplish this task.

  • Log in to Admin Console as administrator
  • Select Manage Distribution List under Server Configuration
  • Type for New List Name
  • Type,, for the Forward To Addresses field. Notice I removed John and added Laura's email address in this field. This will replace the older value with the newer one.
  • Click the Save button

Using Distribution List to Forward Emails

Assume the following:

  • You have a user, who recently joined your company.
  • You want any incoming email sent to this new employee to automatically get BCCed to
Use the following steps to accomplish this task.
  • Log in as admin
  • Click Server Configuration / Manage Distribution List
  • Add a new list with for List Address and specify self, Notice the word self in the field. When this word is found, email will get forwarded to two recipients: new.employee as well as the manager.

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