Predefined passwords for encrypted emails

Users have to specify a password in the message's subject line when composing encrypted message. This can be cumbersome and error prone, particularly if messages are sent repeatedly to the same recipient.

Predefined Passwords

Non-admin users in Xeams can assign default passwords to recipients they usually send encrypted messages to. For example, a doctor's office can create predefined passwords for their clients.


  • Log in to the web interface using a non-admin account
  • Click End-To-End Encryption under Home
  • Enter an email address and associated password for a desired recipient

How it works

Following table describes several use-cases for this feature.
User did not encrypt and message does NOT contain any sensitive keywords. In this case, the message will be sent in clear without encryption. Xeams will not modify the original subject line.

User did not encrypt but message contains sensitive keywords. In this case the system will automatically encrypt the message using the password assigned by the sender for this recipient. Message will be rejected if a predefined password is not created, forcing the sender to manually encrypt the message by applying a suffix in the subject.

Subject line will be modified

Message does not contain any sensitive data but sender wants to encrypt. There are two choice to specify a password for encryption:
  1. Simply append the subject line with the predefined suffix with a password. For example:
    Please refer to your attached blood report encpass(secret)
  2. As long as a password is assigned to the recipient, sender can omit the password in the subject line. For example:
    Please refer to your attached blood report encpass
Subject line will be modified; suffix will be removed.


When using predefined passwords, there can only be ONE recipient in the message. These predefined passwords do not work if there are multiple recipients in an email.