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Document ID: 4844
Subject: Troubleshooting Quarantine Reports
Creation date: 4/20/16 12:05 PM
Last modified on: 2/16/24 7:51 AM

Troubleshooting Quarantine Reports

Xeams can be configured to generate quarantine reports containing a summary of emails that were blocked by the spam filtering engine. These reports are sent via email and can be sent multiple times in a day.

Generating a Quarantine Report on Demand

Generating a quarantine report on-demand is very useful when trying to troubleshoot. Use the following steps to send a report without a schedule.

    • Click Server Configuration/Manage Users
    • Hover the mouse over the Report link to see when was the report sent the last time
    • Click Reports for the desired user

Refer to QuarantineReports.log file to see if a report was generated.

Consider the following reasons if you're not getting the quarantine reports in Xeams:

Failure Reasons

Reason# 1
The user did not get any junk messages - if nothing gets quarantined, there is no need for a summary report. Hence, no report is generated.

Check QuarantineReports.log file to confirm if Xeams generated a report for this use.
Reason# 2
Xeams generates a report but does not reach the user's inbox. For example, if the next hop in your email flow is MS Exchange, Xeams sends it to Exchange, but for some reason, Exchange does not put it in the user's inbox.

Use the steps below to confirm if Xeams has sent out a message, but Exchange did not deliver it to the user's Inbox.
  • First, generate a report manually. This is done by:
    • Logging in as Admin into Xeams
    • Under the 'Server Configuration' select 'Manage Users'
    • Next to the desired user, click on 'Report'
    • This will send a request to generate a summary report for the user
  • Second, check SMTPOutboundConversation.log for communication between Xeams and Exchange using the following steps:
    • Under the 'Tools' Menu, select 'View Logs'
    • Locate and select 'SMTPOutboundConversation.log'
    • Then click on 'Show Content' at the bottom of the page
    • The page will load displaying all the logs
    • Analyze the log. The existence of MAIL FROM, RCPT TO, DATA, and QUIT verbs indicates a successful delivery. Following is a sample of a successful communication between Xeams and the next server.
      2016-04-20 12:05:17,901 - [   4467082] ************ New  connection to:
      2016-04-20 12:05:17,932 - [   4467082] C --> 220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.8/8.12.8; Wed, 20 Apr 2016 10:09:50 -0400
      2016-04-20 12:05:17,932 - [   4467082] S <-- EHLO
      2016-04-20 12:05:17,932 - [   4467082] C --> Hello [], pleased to meet you
      2016-04-20 12:05:17,932 - [   4467082] C --> 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
      2016-04-20 12:05:17,932 - [   4467082] C --> 250-PIPELINING
      2016-04-20 12:05:17,932 - [   4467082] C --> 250-8BITMIME
      2016-04-20 12:05:17,932 - [   4467082] C --> 250-SIZE
      2016-04-20 12:05:17,932 - [   4467082] C --> 250-DSN
      2016-04-20 12:05:17,932 - [   4467082] C --> 250-ETRN
      2016-04-20 12:05:17,932 - [   4467082] C --> 250-DELIVERBY
      2016-04-20 12:05:17,932 - [   4467082] C --> 250 HELP
      2016-04-20 12:05:17,932 - [   4467082] S <-- MAIL FROM:
      2016-04-20 12:05:18,245 - [   4467082] C --> 250 2.1.0 ... Sender ok
      2016-04-20 12:05:18,245 - [   4467082] S <-- RCPT TO:
      2016-04-20 12:05:18,276 - [   4467082] C --> 250 2.1.5 ... Recipient ok
      2016-04-20 12:05:18,276 - [   4467082] S <-- DATA
      2016-04-20 12:05:18,276 - [   4467082] C --> 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
      2016-04-20 12:05:18,292 - [   4467082] C --> 250 2.0.0 u3KE9oJp022755 Message accepted for delivery
      2016-04-20 12:05:18,292 - [   4467082] S <-- QUIT
      2016-04-20 12:05:18,292 - [   4467082] C --> 221 2.0.0 closing connection
      2016-04-20 12:05:18,292 - [   4467082] ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Connection Terminated ( 391)
  • If you do not see any communication between Xeams and the next hop, the message is stuck in the OutboundMailQueue, a folder off of the installation folder. On Windows, check C:\Xeams\OutboundMailQueue and on Linux, check /opt/Xeams/OutboundMailQueue. There are several reasons for a message to sit in the OutboundMailQueue.
    1. The next server is not responding or it is down
    2. Xeams is unable to resolve the IP address. In this case, ensure your Exchange server IP is in the local host file. Click Manage Local Host under Server Configuration
To verify if Xeams has sent out the report, review the SMTPOutboundConversation.log file.
Reason# 3
Quarantine reports depend on the system's time and will not be sent if the time is incorrect.
Reason# 4

This reason applies if you're using multiple profiles in Xeams. One user can only belong to a single profile. Often associated email addresses to a single user end up going to a different profile. Use the following steps to confirm this is not the case:

  • Click Server Configuration/Manage Users
  • Click Associations for the desired user
  • You will see a warning message towards the top if a user is associated with multiple profiles.

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