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Document ID: 5413
Subject: Page title
Creation date: 12/21/20 12:54 PM
Last modified on: 12/21/20 1:08 PM


This log is the generic Webserver log for Xeams. Anything that has to do with the Xeams service or any webserver related issues will be logged here. Below is a snippet of Xeams.log.

Xeams.log Snippet

Xeams.log is segmented into 3 field columns: timestamp, status, and information.

The timestamp column is the first column and contains the current date in YYYY-MM-DD and 24 hour time HH:MM:SS,ms. The log always appends new data to the end, which means the bottom of the log is the newest data and the top of the log is the oldest data.

The status column is the second column. There are three possible status states: INFO, WARN, ERROR. These status states correspond to the type of event that occurred.

  • INFO is a generic message that indicates nothing went wrong, but something occurred.
  • WARN indicates that an unexpected event occurred, however, these are typically not problematic. WARN flags do not mean that something is broken.
  • ERROR indicates that something has gone wrong. In some cases errors are expected. For example, in the above snippet there is an error directly before restart, which is expected. Errors elsewhere indicate a problem has occurred and is potentially problematic for Xeams to operate. If you see an ERROR status you should look at the information column next to it. These will typically tell you what has gone wrong.

The information column is a message explaining what was logged. Most of these are in relatively easy to understand messages. If an error occurs, you can read this column to see exactly what has failed.

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